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NEW: Malt Whisky Yearbook 2023

Autorenbild: Ernie - Ernst ScheinerErnie - Ernst Scheiner

Aktualisiert: 11. Sept. 2022

Malt Whisky Yearbook 2023 will be published 1st October

Ingvar Ronde, Keeper of the Quaich,
has edited another most successful whisky book
which is highly recommended to all whisky enthusiasts or trade professionals.

Available in all markets, bookstores etc..

Press Release September 19th, 2022

"This is the 18th edition of a book that whisky enthusiasts look forward to every autumn.

- The main part of the book (200 pages) covers no less than 774 malt whisky distilleries around the world with all the facts updated

- New exciting articles by distinguished writers such as Gavin D Smith, Ian Wisniewski, Johanne McInnis, Kristiane Sherry and Neil Ridley

- More than 200 tasting notes, including independent bottlings

- New feature! Discover the Ghost Distilleries - gone but not forgotten

- A listing of more than 150 of the world ́s greatest whisky shops

- The Whisky Year That Was - the most comprehensive summary you ́ll find of the news and trends in the industry

- An entire chapter about the world ́s leading independent bottlers

- All the latest info on bottlings and web sites as well as the latest statistics and figures 3 More than 500 colour photos.

Ingvar Ronde auf der Suche nach Informationen. Photos Courtesy Ingvar Ronde.

The Malt Whisky Yearbook is the brainchild of editor Ingvar Ronde and was first published in autumn 2005. Since then a new and completely revised edition has been published yearly. What started out as a go-to book for whisky enthusiasts wanting to keep abreast of the ever-changing malt whisky world, soon became a tool also for the whisky industry. Many producers now buy it for their staff (brand ambassadors, tour guides, sales people etc.) to keep them informed about the latest developments.

The Malt Whisky Yearbook 2023 is sold through for £15.95 plus shipping. Available for preorder now with shipping starting 1st October"

Press Release End


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Ernie - Ernst J. Scheiner 


The Gateway to Distilleries 


55218 Ingelheim am Rhein


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